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Our inner life is often infected by some of the negative “atmosphere” of our upbringing. […]  Our response to such influences is to build a persona inside that is filled with fear, prickliness, and anger – not a very gentle place for us to center ourselves and greet life or form an attitude to welcome others.”  -Robert J Wicks


If you’re here, you’re probably tired of being in this prickly place and are seeking a gentler spot with more peace.  It takes a lot of courage to look for help when things are hard.  That same courage and strength will stand you in good stead for the journey ahead.

Wherever you are in your trek, and whichever parts of your life you wish to address just now, I’d be honoured to be part of your journey to healing and wholeness.

I believe that our past affects our present, and until we are able to identify where we are, and what we have lost in our lives, we cannot reclaim those parts of us that are vital to our wholeness and health.  We need to work through the difficulties to be able to get to a better place, and to be able to relate in a better way to others.  Understanding and being kind to ourselves, engenders kindness and understanding for others.  We can grow alone, but healing happens in relationship.

This doesn’t mean that life will stop being challenging, but it will help you be better equipped to deal with the storms as they arise.  Life is seldom without storms for long. 

Contact me for a consultation and we’ll chart our course together.  My hours are flexible, and I can come to you, in certain circumstances, if that works best for us.

“These days … we are apt to seek out a therapist to […] help us get the dragon back into its cave.  Therapists of many schools will oblige in this, and we will thus be returned to what Freud called ‘ordinary unhappiness’ and, temporarily, heave a sigh of relief, our repressions working smoothly once again.  Zen, by contrast, offers dragon-riding lessons, for the few who are sufficiently intrepid.”  -David Brazier

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